Stage 1 extraction, for the beginner who would like to have a taste, of what this psychedelic plant has to offer. Salvia Divinorum is known as a godly sage, because of its enormous potential. not everyone wants to dissolve into the universe for first timer, that is why we offer lower extractions.
Salvia Divinorum means "sage of the predictors". This powerful herb was used by the shamans in religious and healing rituals. It is a visionary product, whose active ingredient Salvinorin A cannot be compared with other hallucinogenic products. Pure it is extremely strong and therefore prohibited in several countries, but the products offered here are safe and not addictive.
Noise disturbs the Salvia trip, which starts almost immediately and can last for up to an hour and a half. Salvia is therefore best used in a quiet environment. Users report a pleasant psychedelic trance in a benign environment, but in rare cases users report panic attacks. Building slowly with guidance is therefore recommended. The different strengths can help you with this.